
Ts. Siti Noraisyah Abd. Rahman

Meet Ts. Siti Noraisyah Abd. Rahman, the Deputy Dean and Head of Digital Games Art Programme at National Academy of Arts, Culture & Heritage (ASWARA). She graduated class of 2011 with a Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) in Digital Media and later pursued for her Masters of Multimedia in e-Learning Technologies in the year 2014 also at Multimedia University. Ms. Aisyah, an expert on new media art, is mostly interested in game-based learning, human interaction, mixed reality and cultural identity. Her recent publications include “Cultural Heritage Storytelling on Virtual Reality Framework”, 2019 and “Unreal Heritage: Virtual Reality Masterclass Development” (ISBN 978-983-2538-45-5 – hardback), 2019. All the best to Ms. Aisyah and may she continue to make us proud!

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