On behalf of the vibrant community at the Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM), it is my distinct pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all visitors and prospective students.

I am thrilled to share with you the distinctive essence of the Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) encapsulated in our tagline “Shaping Tomorrow’s Creative Industry, Future-proofing Tomorrow’s Creative Leaders”. It succinctly captures the very core of our mission and commitment to excellence in creative multimedia education. At FCM, we don’t merely educate; we shape the creative future.

Established in 1997, FCM stands as a pioneering institution at the forefront of Malaysian creative multimedia education. Our unique integration of academic study with hands-on digital technology has been a proven formula for success. As part of MSC Malaysia, FCM played a crucial role in the initial initiative to cultivate creative talents who are both techno-savvy, creative and innovative. From its inception, FCM has been structured to lead the way in targeting programs toward the digital creative content industry. Our commitment to this vision has borne fruit in the form of alumni who have significantly influenced and transformed the landscape of the Creative Industry in Malaysia. These outstanding individuals serve as animators, creative directors, media artists, visual effect artists, VR designers, UI/UX designers, and more, contributing their expertise to various creative fields. Our alumni’s impact is not confined to national borders; they excel in the creative industry both within the country and beyond. Regularly profiled for their contributions, they have become omnipresent, leaving an indelible mark on the local, regional and global creative multimedia landscape.

Ms. Nadia Mahmud

Dean, Faculty of Creative Multimedia

Multimedia University’s Faculty of Creative Multimedia has earned a distinguished reputation, with both local and international industries expressing a preference for our graduates. This preference is attributed to several key factors that define the strength of our faculties:

  • Pioneering Status: FCM has been a trailblazer in creative multimedia education, setting the standard for
    others to follow.
  • Excellent Academic Team: our academic team comprises a talented group of artist scholars, who are not only passionate about their creative practices but are equally passionate about education.
  • Practical (and Critical) Training: Our curriculum emphasizes practical, hands-on experience, ensuring that students are not only academically adept but also industry-ready.
  • Local/Global Outlook: Our programs are designed with a keen understanding of both local and global industry needs, preparing students for success on an international stage.
  • Industrial Engagement: We actively engage with industry partners to provide students with real-world insights and experiences, fostering valuable connections.
  • Awards and Recognition: The achievements of our staff, students and alumni have been consistently recognized through various awards, further affirming the quality of education at FCM.
  • Great Learning Environments: FCM provides a dynamic and supportive learning environment that encourages creativity, collaboration, and innovation.
  • Well-Balanced Structure: Our programs strike a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical
    skills, ensuring a holistic education that prepares students for diverse challenges.

As an alumni of this esteemed institution, I can personally attest to the transformative power of the education received here. This is not just a university; it is a place where creativity flourishes, and careers are forged with passion. I invite you to visit the Faculty of Creative Multimedia and experience firsthand the vibrant and inspiring atmosphere at Multimedia University.

Welcome to FCM, where innovation meets imagination, and where your journey to a successful and fulfilling career in the creative multimedia industry begins.

Warm regards,
Ms. Nadia Mahmud