(R2/213/6/0142) 04/24 (A9393)
We are committed to producing Virtual Reality specialists who are proficient in creating real-time application to content through experiential design. The three-year Virtual Reality programme trains students to start their project by researching the subject matter and designing the virtual world, interaction and interface. In the second stage, they begin to create the 3D world and breathe life into it by putting colours, sound and avatar that will engage with the user. The user is not just merely passive but highly interacting with the environment. The experience is enhanced through immersive and non-immersive technology.
Career Prospects: Asset Modeller, Texture and Lighting Artist, Technical Artist, 3D Visualizer, Game Developer, Game Level Designer, 3D Environment Artist, Simulation Artist, VR Walk-through Expert, User Experience Designer, Interaction Designer, Programmer, System Analyst, Project Manager.
PEO01 – Knowledge & Understanding, Cognitive
Analyse and relate broad knowledge of Creative Multimedia Technology concepts and principles to practices incorporating technical skills in relevant fields
PEO02 – Interpersonal, Communication, Leadership, Autonomy & Responsibility, Ethics & Professionalism
Commit to take responsibility in leading and deliver assigned tasks when leading, interacting and communicating with peers and stakeholders while ensuring ethical practices.
PEO03 – Practical, Digital, Numeracy
Demonstrate technical competency in the innovative and creative use of digital technology and apply numerical techniques in Creative Multimedia Technology.
PEO04 – Personal & Entrepreneurial
Commit to life-long learning and exhibit entrepreneurial skills for academic and career advancement in relevant industries.
Programme Coordinator
Assistant Professor
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Lecturer
Faculty of Creative Multimedia
Multimedia University,
Jalan Multimedia,
63100 Cyberjaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Email: fcmadmin@mmu.edu.my
Noralizah Abd Ali
Tel: +60383125550
Nor Azima Amir Norhalim
Assistant Manager
Postgraduate Matters & Undergraduate Change of Programme / Faculty, Leave of Absence (LOA) and Credit Transfer
Tel: +60383125835
Ahmad Munir Kamalul Sahar
Assistant Manager
Overall Foundation, Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree matters
Tel: +60383125551