Multimedia University is ranked among the Top Creative Schools in Malaysia
Multimedia University has just named one of the Top Creative Schools in Malaysia by Ed Ranks 2022.
Ed Ranks is the definitive guide to the top-ranked schools, colleges and universities for creative education in South East Asia. Based on a proprietary platform – with lecturer, student, intern and alumni achievements as well as creative work judged by top creative directors, Ed Ranks has come up with a list of the top creative schools on both sides of the causeway.
Woon Hoh, Chief Creative Officer of Ogilvy Indonesia and a member of the awards jury, said: “Ed Ranks is important on many counts. As there is currently no guide to the best schools for creative education, Ed Ranks lets creative leaders know who is good – based on objective data. I must say the winning work submitted for Ed Ranks is comparable to professional output from creative agencies. I must congratulate the winning students for their creativity and the schools and lecturers, for harnessing this creativity.”
The Ed Ranks team added: “There are good schools for creative education in Singapore and Malaysia, but not everyone knows who they are. This list seeks to give credit where credit is due – with clear criteria and yardsticks.”