
FCM Staff won Rising Star Award at ASM Artscience™ Prize

FCM Staff won Rising Star Award at ASM Artscience™ Prize

Congratulations to our excellent academics, Dr. Roopesh Sitharan & Dr. Mohd Hafizuddin Mohd Yusof for winning the Rising Star Award category of ASM Artscience™ Prize.

The Prize is awarded to outstanding talent and works of art that embody the union of art and science. It is the first ever to be established in Malaysia to celebrate the nascent community of artist-scientists that shows promising growth and development.

Recipient with the highest potential for growth was selected as the winner of Rising Star Award category.

Well done Dr. Roopesh & Dr. Hafiz, we are so proud of you both!


MMU MEETS MMU: North West South East

MMU MEETS MMU: North West South East

It is a rare occurrence for two different universities from opposite sides of the globe to share an acronym. It is far rarer that the same two universities would connect and collaborate together but this fairly uncommon chance was given to Multimedia University (Malaysia) and Manchester Metropolitan University (United Kingdom).

Starting on 2nd of November, 2020, the two MMUs came together for a two-weeks exchange programme, aptly named MMU Meets MMU: North West South East. A total of 36 students participated in the programme; 18 from the Faculty of Creative Multimedia and the Faculty of Cinematic Arts and another 18 from MMU UK’s three departments – Film, Animation and Photography. Along with the students, a group of staff from the aforementioned faculties of both MMUs also joined the programme as mentors as well as guest speakers.

The exchange programme focused on the art of filmmaking where the students were given a chance to produce one short film a week in their respective groups consisting a mix of students from both universities. During the first week, students were given the task to produce a short film using the concept of found footage. Two of MMU Malaysia’s staff conducted a class during this week; Anuar Hassan on Creative Ice-Breaking and Self-Portraiture while Dr. Lim Kok Yoong touched on the concept of storytelling through archiving. They were also exposed on the topic of “Found-Footage Filmmaking” by Joseph Duffy as well as a photography and a sound design lecture. For their first film project, each group was mentored by staffs from MMU Malaysia (Nekhat Sultana, Nadia Mahmud and Syed Amar Ghazi Bin Syed Ahmad Alkugsi) and staffs from MMU UK (Kristin Marshall, Polly Palmerini, Ben McDonell, and Damon Bannister).

The second week, the task centered around sensory mapping. As an introduction to the topic, Joseph Duffy delivered a lecture titled “Sensory City Mapping”, followed by a talk on independent film production in South East Asia by Syed Amar Ghazi Bin Syed Ahmad Alkugsi and conceptual photography by Shah Azman of Faculty of Cinematic Arts, MMU Malaysia. The students were also invited throughout the week to join a second photography class, followed by a sound design lecture, as well as a rotoscoping demonstration by Damon Bannister.

On 25th November 2020, a total of 14 short films were screened during an online showcase. Each group of filmmakers were given the opportunity to discuss about their experiences and filmmaking process. Their responses to the tasks given (found-footage and sensory mapping) displayed fascinating visuals and intriguing concepts, a notable result of cultural discourse between the students.
Despite having to conduct the exchange programme online due to the ongoing global pandemic, MMU Meets MMU: North West East has created a platform for students from both universities to communicate, collaborate, share and expand their perspectives and network, as they worked together for two weeks, exploring creative methods and expressions to produce their films. This programme shows that creative collaboration is not bound by geography or face-to-face interactions between artists and thus promises an encouraging approach in producing any work remotely.


FCM Staff appointed as member of the Islamic Affairs Development Advisory Panel under the Ministry in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs)

FCM Staff appointed as member of the Islamic Affairs Development Advisory Panel under the Ministry in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs)

We are pleased to share that one of our esteemed academic, Dr. Tenku Putri Norishah Tenku Shariman, has been appointed as a member of the Islamic Affairs Development Advisory Panel, recently. The letter was signed by Yang Berhormat Senator Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohammad Al-Bakri, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs). Dr. Tenku Putri will offer her support and advisories to all agencies under the Ministry through her extensive experience in academic as well as research.

Congratulations, Dr. Tenku Putri!


Bengkel Teknologi Senior won The Star Golden Hearts Award 2020

Bengkel Teknologi Senior won The Star Golden Hearts Award 2020

Another achievement from our alumni! Bengkel Teknologi Senior, a project lead by Dr. Tan Yun Yi, has been selected as one of the recipients of this year’s Star Golden Hearts Award alongside nine awe-inspiring winners. Well done!

The workshop that was kick started at FCM in 2019 aims to assist the elderly to familiarize themselves with technology.

Dr. Tan Yun Yi, graduated with Bachelor of Multimedia (hons) in Digital Media, class of 2009.

Our alumni not only are key players in the Art, Design and Multimedia industry, but they are at the forefront in giving back to the community.

To know more about this project, log on to


Passing of our dear Permata Dunia, Nor Lidya Wati binti Nasir

Passing of our dear Permata Dunia, Nor Lidya Wati binti Nasir

Ucapan takziah daripada kami, Fakulti Multimedia Kreatif, Universiti Multimedia, kepada ahli keluarga Allahyarhamah Nor Lidya Wati binti Nasir yang telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada 17 November 2020. Beliau merupakan pelajar kami yang telah menamatkan pelajaran dalam bidang Multimedia Kreatif (Media Inovasi), pada tahun 2006. Semoga roh Allahyarhamah ditempatkan di kalangan hambaNya yang solehah dan beriman. Al-Fatihah.

We are all deeply saddened by the passing of our dear Permata Dunia, Nor Lidya Wati binti Nasir, Class of 2006 from the department of Media Innovation. Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family and loved ones. You will forever remain in our thoughts and prayers. Al-Fatihah.


FCM lecturer secure FRGS Grant 1/2020

FCM lecturer secure FRGS Grant 1/2020

Congratulations to our excellent academic, Ts. Heidi Tan Yeen-Ju for securing the recent FRGS Grant 1/2020. Well done Mdm. Heidi, we are so proud of you!


Senior Lecturer secured Cendana Grant 2020

Senior Lecturer secured Cendana Grant 2020

Congratulations to our excellent academician, Mastura Abdul Rahman for securing the recent Cendana Grant 2020: Visual Arts Inspire Funding Programme 2020 (Cycle 1)😎

Well done Mdm. Mastura, we are so proud of you ♥️

Read more about:
CENDANA Visual Arts Inspire Funding Programme 2020:

Mdm. Mastura’s profile:

Studio Pohon Rendang:


Beautiful Portrait: Masterpiece Revisited

Beautiful Portrait: Masterpiece Revisited

Amid quarantine and the coronavirus pandemic, we may be struggling to deliver face to face classes and carry out learning activities on the campus. At the same time, the crisis is also a strong driver for creativity and innovation. In light of the COVID19 pandemic, we feel a duty to adjust our teaching and learning strategy to meet the changing needs of the situation, because there is reason for hope and indeed optimism in facing the new norm.

Available on – a virtual showcase platform, this showcase features a VR gallery and voiceover-led presentations that summarize students’ project this year. In MA Design 4 this year, students were asked to do interdisciplinary reflections on portraits, by questioning the fundamental building blocks of a portrait image, analyzing the historical development of portraiture, its aesthetic trends, its media conventions, its materiality and symbolism then experiment with the visualizations.

Portraiture is a very old art form and drawn portrait was a way to record the appearance of a person but portraits have always been more than just a record. These images represent the past, the present, and the future of visual communication used to imagine and think through the important aspects in shaping our ecology of communication, especially in the communication of aesthetics. Once digitized, the images represent endless options for manipulation. Digital imaging has become ubiquitous tools in the consumption and production of visual culture. From a former consumer of cultural products, students were asked to become participants who extract their own meanings from what they see and give new life and meaning to this medium.

This unit seeks to trace what seeing beautiful images means on a social level, both in the arts and technology. The goal is to open up discussions of image phenomena and offer landmarks to expand visual competence concerning new definition operating with technological adjustments. From the fact that every instance of pictorial representation is a process of mediation and followed by a chain of remediation, Schulz purported that ‘images are both subsequent and antecedent at the same time’. Bolter and Grusin’s principle of remediation explains that modes of representation in new media have a much older history, that can be refashioned, borrowed, or repurposed. Through remediation, the old masterpiece receives new impetus and an entirely new arsenal of options.

To visit the exhibition, please visit:

MMA2123 (Media Art Design 4)
Coordinator: Dr Lim Kok Yoong


Students Exchange Program to South Korea

Students Exchange Program to South Korea


Enculturating Creative Minds via e-Mobility Programme 2020

Enculturating Creative Minds via e-Mobility Programme 2020

A total of 75 students from 18 countries partook in the closing ceremony of the MMU 2020 International Student e-Mobility Programme on Enculturating Creative Minds, held on 10 July 2020.

The 2-week programme is the first time ever held virtually and has successfully unleashed the sense of culture and creativity for seamless learning among participants. The Faculty of Applied Communication and Faculty of Creative Multimedia took the lead in organising this event with the support from the International Relations Office.

The virtual mobility programme offered participants the sneak peak at cultural diversities & experiences, enriching knowledge sharing sessions and the interesting Up & Close on photography with Chemat Azhar, MMU lecturer who is one of the 30 most influential photographers in Asia. There was a showcase of their photography works as an e-gallery and participants presented their grand finale with their group cultural projects.

Invited guests from Education Malaysia Beijing, Education Malaysia Dubai, and partner universities in the UK, Riyadh, Indonesia and Philippines made time to be with the participants in this virtual closing ceremony.
Congratulations participants and well done MMU!