Chinese New Year 2020 Celebration

FCM hosted Anna Viola – a master research student of the Department of environmental, land and infrastructures engineering (DIATI) of Politecnico di Torino under Erasmus + exchange program from 13th – 17th Jan. She has shared her research and the works she does in the ‘Drawing TO The Future’ Lab tomorrow with FCM faculty to explore possible collaboration with the faculty in near future.
Below is her short bio:
ANNA VIOLA is a research assistant of the Department of environmental, land and infrastructures engineering (DIATI) of Politecnico di Torino. She graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering in 2018 and she is now doing her master under Professor Orazio Baglieri, researching on the new technologies for the maintenance and management of road pavement. She is attached to the Department of structures, building and geotechnical engineering (DISEG) in the laboratory “Drawing TO the future” with Prof. Anna Osello, working on Building Management System (BIM), infraBIM, Facility Management, VR and AR.
On the 23rd of Nov, 2019, FCM’s Staff Welfare Committee (SWC) together with the Creative Multimedia Club (CMC), and Digital Cities Research Centre (DCRI) conducted their first-ever University Social Responsibility Programme (USR).
They conducted two events, The PPR Art Workshop and Bengkel Pemakanan Sihat (BPS). The events were sponsored by Yayasan Multimedia (YUM) and the office of YB Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud (ADUN Seri Serdang) respectively. They also collected funds from the public which covered the rest of the cost for both events.
The purpose of the event was to collaborate with the local councils to deliver workshops and events that would be beneficial to the needs of the B40 communities around the university.
They hosted over 60 primary-year students for the Art Workshop and around 25 mothers for the BPS. Alhamdulillah, the events were conducted without many hiccups and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Mdm. Nekhat Sultana, the Head of Staff Welfare Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all the hard-working committee members from the SWC team, The CMC and Comic Club Student Volunteers, Digital Cities and YUM for all the help and support given to make sure these events were successful.
Faculty of Creative Multimedia
Multimedia University,
Jalan Multimedia,
63100 Cyberjaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Noralizah Abd Ali
Tel: +60383125550
Nor Azima Amir Norhalim
Assistant Manager
Postgraduate Matters & Undergraduate Change of Programme / Faculty, Leave of Absence (LOA) and Credit Transfer
Tel: +60383125835
Ahmad Munir Kamalul Sahar
Assistant Manager
Overall Foundation, Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree matters
Tel: +60383125551